Patents provide protection typically on a country by country basis. A United States patent provides protection in the U.S. whereas Canadian patents provide protection in Canada and Chinese patents provide protection in China. One limited exception is for European patents, which we can file and prosecute in as a single application and subsequently validate in each European country where protection is sought. A European Unified Patent System is also being developed, but the institution date of this unified patent system is not currently known.
Shaver & Swanson, LLP patent attorney have sought and obtained patent protection for clients in a wide variety of foreign countries. Typically these patent applications descend from a first U.S. application, although our patent attorneys have filed via our network of foreign agents simultaneously in foreign countries and in the U.S.
Example countries where our patent attorneys have obtained patent protection include Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, China, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Canada, and in countries throughout Europe. Our patents attorneys maintain a broad network of patent attorneys and patent agents throughout the world.